Professional Engineering 18 hrs including Laws and Rules Final

This is the final section of the PE 18 hours of Continue Education. Please follow the prerequisites for this course.
The Legislature deems it necessary in the interest of public health and safety to regulate the practice of engineering in this state. We will now cover what this entails. Professional Engineers Laws and RulesChapter 471 Engineering

Course Approval No. ...: Professional Engineer Provider #006 Hours Completed: : 18 Hrs.

  • CILB Understanding Sustainability in Construction Part 1 of 1
  • CILB Understanding Sustainability in Construction Part 2 General
  • Professional Engineering Laws and Rules Final Module 18 hrs.
  • Ethical Principals
  • Advance (2023) 8th Florida Building Code Accessibility recorded (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 months